It is well known, especially after the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war that the United States of America and the Kingdom of Denmark, is very good friends and “comrades in arm” you may say. Denmark
is also one of the countries in the EU and the western world, where the communist party and the left wing in general has been under long
term, scrutiny of the Danish Secret Police (PET end FE). And they have worked closely together with regard to this matter and the spying of USSR
and east European embassies in the 1980ties and later on. Apart from that the Danish media, newspapers, DR, TV2 etc. are solid haters of the
leftwing, but loyal supporters of the American capitalist world hegemony etc.
Because of that, there is almost no real political opposition in Denmark in 2010, all criticism of the Danish rightwing radical government is almost
none existing. And maybe that is why that a part of the present Danish Government, The Danish Peoples Party, a Muslim hating racist party, is the real political power in the county.